OneHub Solution > Swimming Course

Swimming Course

  • Start date
  • End date
  • Day of Courses
    3 Days
  • Course duration
    600 Minutes

Swimming Course

Swim Schools International (SSIis a company whose primary function is to develop, produce, and distribute educational programs for the training of aquatic professionals, and recreational swimmers through a network of Authorized Facilities. SSI provides the products and programs used by an Authorized Facility for the training of aquatic professionals. SSI provides the facility and its staff with training in the use of these materials based on established training guidelines and standards.

SSI Total Teaching System is an effective system for teaching aquatics professionals, the SSI Total Teaching System includes the Teacher Training Manuals, the Gold Script, InWater Training Aids, Apprenticeship, Examinations and the Teacher Training Record. All the components are integrat- ed and designed to work together as a whole. The SSI Total Teaching System is highly structured, but is flexible enough to be adapted to any Teacher and training location or situation. To make the system work, Teacher are required to have thorough knowledge and expertise in the theory and practice of swimming instruction, as well as training in assessing swimmers needs and comfort levels

The SSI Teacher can expect stateoftheart training programs from SSI, assurance of quality programs for the SSI Authorized Facility, and quality instruction with the opportunity to learn at the Teacher’s own pace from the SSI Authorized Trainer. The teacher should clearly understand that the SSI programs are progressive and that the goal of the program is to make the teacher feel comfortable teaching without the Trainer. The teacher should also clearly understand that SSI designs systems and does not do the actual instruction, therefore itsability to control anything beyond the system itself is necessarily limited


Baby Swim Teacher

The purpose of this section is to introduce the Teacher to the type of swimmers they will be teaching at this level. This is also an explanation of the skills and tools to be used by the Teacher for effective teaching of this age and ability. The major difference between the Baby & Me and the Aquababy levels is the removal of the parent from the class and reliance on the teacher to do the manipulation of the child. The transition from Baby & Me to Aquababy is often difficult for the child. It is recommended that the parent stay on deck during the class, but if the child is having a difficult time, the parent may need to be out of sight for a lesson or two so the Teacher can bond and build trust with the child

  • Identify age and skill requirements of swimmers
  • Recognize challenges when teaching children of this age and their parents.
  • Recognize effective goals in teaching children of this age and their parents.

Swim Teacher Level 1

SSI Level 1 Swim Teacher is an educational and rewarding experi- ence with abundant career opportunities. The SSI Level 1 Swim Teacher program is the first step in the Certified Swim Teacher system and will prepare you to teach beginning swimmers from the ages of 3 through 15. You will have several tools for training to become a certified swim teacher: a Classroom Session with a certified SSI Swim Teacher Instructor, InWater Training Sessions, Apprentice- ship with handson training, and Teacher’s Manual. You will find that information is repeated through- out this manual. Each section includes terms, skills, and descriptions of everything you will see on the Inwater teching slates for every class in the program. For instance the description of water entries and Getting Outwill appear in Aquatike I, Preschool I and Beginner I since the skills are introduced in all entry level classes. Do not be hasty and skip ahead as sometimes the skill is the same, but the steps you use to teach the skill are different from age group to age group. Many of the written instructions will seem complicated, but the techniques will be demonstrated during your InWater Training Sessions so that you are comfortable with teaching the skills

  • Implement preventative safety measures in accordance with your facility’s safety guidelines.
  • Recognize and safely respond to unsafe actions of students and guests
  • Safely provide care for ill or injured students or guests until EMS personnel arrive and take over

Swim Teacher Level 2

The purpose of this course is to allow teachers to understand the changes to the teaching environment. It will be more developed and goaloriented with a pace to match. In this level, teachers will move from mechanics to technique. As a result, teachers are expected to exhibit greater professionalism and attention to technical details in a stroke. Many children begin their swimming at a young age, so teachers are expected to have swimmers as young as 4 years of age to 17 years old. With that being said, teachers must plan for the swimmers based on skill and ability, rather than by age. While the confidence level of the swimmers should reflect their ability status, it is vital to emphasise their achievements and continue to make swimming funMany of the written instructions will seem complicated, but the techniques will be demonstrated during your InWater Training Sessions so that you are comfortable with teaching the skills

  • Assess and identify suitable skills required and teaching strategies based on swimmersphysical ability and learning method
  • Break down a stroke to itscore and perform drills to improve the stroke as a whole
  • Understand the importance of technique over speed

Course Group

Course Participant Data

Not afraid of water
Can plunge head
Swims on the back
Floats freely
Swims crawl
Swims breaststroke
Ability to dive
Can swim 10 m under water
Can swim 25 m under water
Swims freely

Applicant Data

Consent and Statements

  • I consent to the processing of my personal data for the purposes of the recruitment process in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (GDPR).
  • I have read, understood and accept the Terms and Conditions.
Price (MYR) RM3640.00
  • Students
    4 enrolled of 5
  • Course / group name
    Swimming Course / SSI LEVEL 2 SWIM TEACHER
  • Location
    One Hub Solution
    Subang Jaya
  • Info
    Swim Teacher Level 2 is the next step in the certified Swim Teacher system that will prepare you to teach intermediate to advanced swimmers from the ages of 5 to 17 years old. Each section includes terms and descriptions of skills that you will see on the In-water teaching slates for every class in the program.
  • Contact
    Bryan Yap
    +6012 317 2031

Classes Schedule

  • Every Monday
    18:00 - 18:50
  • Every Thursday
    18:00 - 18:50

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